Saturday, November 20, 2010


Guest post by Welectricity

At a live Ecomagination awards ceremony in New York City on Tuesday, GE announced twelve companies in which they will invest $55 million, five "Innovation Award" winners and five "Consumer Innovation Award" winners.

The announcement was the most recent milestone in GE's $200 million Ecomagination Challenge, their committment to find, fund and develop the best, most innovative ideas and businesses that will power the smart grid of the 21st century.

And Welectricity was one of the five consumer innovation award winners, receiving an award for "Best idea of The Millennial".

As such, we receive a $10,000 grant to continue developing our product and the recognition of having been chosen by GE as an Ecomagination winner.  We're thrilled to get this recognition, and very excited about the future prospects for our free, low-carbon, social energy efficiency service.  Stay tuned!

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